Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Package design projecttttt

At first I had no idea what I wanted to make, I had a spray bottle and 0 ideas. Then while watching Donald Trump make a fool of himself I thought about Bernie and how great he was. Then it hit me, Feel the Bern. Someone as cool as Bernie Sanders needs his own hot sauce and I need to make a product so everyone wins! Designing this thing was interesting, I wanted it to look as similar to Tobasco as possible. I also wanted to add in as many little hidden messages to make it cute. So it was a lot of layers, text wrapping, and sizing. The most successful part is the fact that a lot of people didn't even realize I changed the labels. Honestly there is nothing I would change, I love bernie and I think it ended up really cute.
Ok here are the pictures I forgot to add, please change my grade from a 0!!!

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