Friday, January 8, 2016

Unconventional Material Project

I knew that I wanted to make some sort of dress when I heard about this project. My material that I got ended up being mulch, this was the first problem. Luckily my super nice teacher let me change it, and the second thing I got was wallpaper books. These are books filled with small scraps of wallpaper. At first I thought I would be able to sew the wallpaper together because it was a very flexible and cloth like material. However, this did not work out and I ended up having to use a hot glue gun to make my piece. I also wanted to make a dress, but it ended up being a skirt because of timing. Something I would change in the future would definitely be adding a top to the dress. Even though that was a lot of negative stuff, I really loved the way the skirt ended up looking. Here are some pictures of the finished project!

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