Sunday, March 18, 2018


 Oh goodness I really don't have a name for this one! Please leave suggestions below also I really love this bunny, I actually reallllyyyy love all 3 of the finished concentration pieces, kind of not feeling the coral when you compare it to how great the bunny fish and deer are.


This is my first concentration piece!!! I love it so much, but it doesn't have a real name yet. I'm thinking maybe in the wilderness or into the woods idkkk

creepy relief

Pretty sure I don't have a title for this one, we can call it broken. Honestly don't love it. I think i want to remelt some glass in there, I just think it could use some work.

Time to update my blog

so this is what we call time travel. I glued tinfoil to wood and then covered it in paint strip things. It looks super trippy and a little like trash but I love!